Thank you for visiting our blog.
My name is Shino.
I am a student of the Urasenke Tea Ceremony and practice once or twice a month. I have been away from the tea ceremony for a while due to work and child-rearing, but I resumed my practice when I returned to work. I am busy with housework, childcare, and work every day, but I started this blog to consolidate my basic knowledge of tea once again.
I would be happy to help those who are beginning the tea ceremony with their monasticism.
About the Operator
Handle name: Shino
Accepting all kinds of requests
We accept various types of writing.
My main focus is on tea ceremony and Japanese culture as described in this blog, but I also have experience writing for other media in the interior design genre and other fields.
We accept manuscript fees from 30,000 yen per article (excluding expenses). We would be happy to discuss this with you depending on the number of words and the theme.
Links and Citations
As for links, we welcome them, but please refrain from sites that prohibit under-18s and antisocial sites.
If you link to us again, we would greatly appreciate it if you could comment on our blog or contact us at the contact information above.
Please keep citations within the appropriate citation guidelines.